Many Ideas - Nothing Concrete

A couple of decades ago I used to blog. On an extremely user-friendly blog site by Rediff. Blogging wasn't really all about growing businesses, making money, being 'discovered' and Eureka moments back then. It was pretty stress-free and it was all about sitting down and letting the words bleed out. 

We had a pretty cool group of people out there and the latest blog headings all came up the minute you logged on, so you chose what you wanted to read, left a few comments (or not) and by the end of it you were pretty much sharing everything from dirty diapers to heartbreak hotels. It was fun. And you could pretty much write about anything. From what the weather was like in Delhi to the storm water drains overflowing in Kanpur. Like I said, it was stress-free. 

What happened to the Blog world was that it exploded, like every popular thing does and turns into a merry-go-round and we veteran bloggers, who wrote for the love of the written word and for making pen-friends, kind of withered and wilted on the branch as it were! So in a nutshell, I and many others simply stopped.

But writing is also addictive - the need to be read, the need to interact, the need to watch as nothing becomes something. I started many blogs on many sites after that. Infact simply deciding which blog site to use became a nail-biting event. Also somehow - No connect... Maybe at 45 I was more interesting than I am at 63. But at 45 I was working full time and hadn't yet written my first book. At 63 I am a 'published' author...A force to reckon with. And it's exciting to see my book on the shelves and give autographs and run around the city doing book readings. Yup it's kind of fun!

But blogging daily is even more fun. It's food for the paper...just like prayer is food for the soul. Ideas flow, thoughts merge into one another, writing happens and sometimes you get readers! 

So I'm getting back into blogging again. I didn't promise I'd shake the ground with my words of wisdom...the title should have warned you! But let's make it work this time around and let's see if something happens! 

I DO have stories to tell, ideas to share, wisdom (ahhh... at long last... Wisdom) to lets get down to it shall we?


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